Senin, 25 April 2011

Rebel 2phone, make ur iphone dual on

Rebel iPhone 4 2Phone

Rebel 2Phone Dual Standby Sim Case from is one of the most innovative and promising iPhone 4 Accessories device developed since the iPhone was introduced to the market by Apple.

This Allows iPhone users to make and receive calls simultaneously on their iPhone 4.

Rebel 2Phone Dual Standby Sim Case from is one of the most innovative and promising iPhone 4 Accessories device developed since the iPhone was introduced to the market by Apple. This Allows iPhone users to make and receive calls simultaneously on their iPhone 4.

Understanding Rebel 2Phone Dual Standby Sim Case World Exclusive from

Active dual sim is having 2 sim cards which both sim cards are active at the same time, which means you can make and receive calls simultaneously.

Rebel 2Phone for iPhone 4 finally can use two sim cards on their iPhone 4 simultaneously. Thanks to hardwork, creativity and innovation.

Anyone who wants to have 2 active dual sim cards to work simultaneously on their iPhone 4, can now do it with our new Rebel 2Phone Active Dual Standby Sim case for iPhone 4.

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